Questions / Answers


Can summaries written in French be accepted?

Summaries must be written in English.

Is communication done in French or English?

Oral presentations can be given in both languages.

What are the possible reasons for the rejection of a summary?

There are many reasons for rejection, including:
- Poor writing
- Summary without indication of results
- High plagiarism percentage

What are the formatting specifications for the article?

Participants of accepted abstracts will receive the model of the article to follow

Can I submit the same article to another journal?

No, if the article is submitted to another journal, it will be reported.

When will I receive the invoice when I pay my participation fee?

We will generate the invoice immediately after registration. If you need an invoice, you must provide us with the invoice title and content; if you wish to receive the invoice urgently, please contact us and provide detailed postal information, including: postal address, postal code, recipient's name, and phone number.

What about plagiarism detection?

Authors are encouraged to check the article's plagiarism rate themselves using professional plagiarism detection software. If the article is rejected due to plagiarism, the authors will bear full responsibility, and the article will not be published and will be listed as a negative example on our website.

Will all accepted articles be published without exception?

Please note that the editor reserves the right to reject an article at any time before its publication.

How much does a second call cost?

The second communication is 50% off.